Published 23:57 IST, January 29th 2024
Zazen Meditation To Kaizen: Effective Japanese Techniques To Help Stop Overthinking
Overthinking is usually when your thoughts and worries circle in an endless loop. Here are some Japanese hacks that may help you stop overthinking.

1/5: Zazen Meditation is the primary practice of the Zen Buddhist tradition. It is meditation practice that gives insight into your true nature of being. It makes you aware of your thoughts and sensations. / Image: X

2/5: Kaizen enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of the work environment by fostering a team culture, streamlining routine operations, guaranteeing employee participation, and making work rewarding. / Image: Freepik

3/5: Ikigai is a known Japanese term that has become quite well-known. It consists of four components: what you are excellent at, what you want to do, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. / Image: Freepik

4/5: Kintsugi is a well-known idea that emphasises the value of faults and a culture in which broken things are mended with gold, a metaphor for accepting your defects. / Image: Freepik

5/5: Wabi Sabi Acceptance focuses on understanding three basic life principles, impermanence, suffering and emptiness or absence. It helps you find beauty in imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. / Image: istock
Updated 01:19 IST, January 30th 2024