Business Desk

India's race to fill a 2 billion sq ft healthcare void

India faces a healthcare real estate shortage of 2 billion square feet, with a current bed-to-population ratio of 1.3/1,000.

Source: Pexels

To reach the recommended ratio of 3 beds per 1,000 people, 2.4 million additional beds are urgently needed, presenting $32 billion in investment opportunities.

Source: Pexels

The private sector holds a 63% share amongst the country's 70,000 hospitals, offering the potential for strategic investments in medical infrastructure.

Source: Pexels

India's healthcare market, reaching $372 billion in 2022, has grown at an annual rate of 18%, driven by increased demand post-COVID-19.

Source: Pexels

Key drivers include economic growth, high personal spending potential, an ageing population, rising incomes, health awareness, and health insurance penetration.

Source: Pexels

The global healthcare investment surge, totalling $38 billion, underscores India's attractiveness for investors, fuelled by its position in healthcare tourism.

Source: Pexels

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