Republic Entertainment Desk

Goodfellas To The Wolf of Wall Street: Highest-Rated IMDb Films of Martin Scorsese

Goodfellas (8.7 IMDb rating): The movie is a riveting portrayal of mob life, following Henry Hill's rise and fall in the criminal underworld.

Source: IMDb

The Departed (8.5 IMDb rating): The movie explores loyalty and betrayal within the Boston police force and Irish mob.

Source: IMDB

Casino (8.2 IMDb Rating): It offers a dazzling look at the rise and fall of a Las Vegas casino executive. It's lavish visuals and gripping narrative showcase Scorsese's talent for epic storytelling.

Source: IMDb

The Wolf of Wall Street (8.2 IMDb Rating): The movie delves into the excesses of stockbroker Jordan Belfort with dynamic direction and a charismatic performance by Leonardo DiCaprio.

Source: IMDb

Taxi Driver (8.2 IMDb Rating): It is a haunting study of urban alienation and psychological descent, with Robert De Niro's iconic portrayal of Travis Bickle.

Source: IMdb