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Superfoods To Cool Your Body In Summers

Cucumbers are one of the most popular cooling foods during summers. It is a natural coolant that can help you beat the summer heat because it contains high water content.

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Watermelon can help cool the body and helps carry heat and toxins out of the body through increased excretion through the kidneys with more urination, which is a great choice.

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Pudina juice is a perfect drink to quench your thirst in summer. This cooling natural drink benefits you to keep yourself well hydrated, refreshed and cool.

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Coconut water, abundant during summer, is a natural coolant that can be consumed daily to regulate body temperature.

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Yogurt, a cooling and versatile ingredient, that can help lower body temperature on hot summer days and can be added to smoothies, parfaits, or frozen yogurt.

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Lemon, rich in Vitamin C, can lower body temperature. It also moisturises, and oxygenates your skin, improving energy and freshness during summer. It's essential in homemade electrolytes.

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Green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, Amaranth, Chinese cabbage, and kale -- high in nutrients and calcium -- provide a cooling effect, making them ideal summer talismans.

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