December 11, 2023Republic Lifestyle Desk

Benefits of yoghurt: Strong bones to improved digestion

Consuming yoghurt every day, keeps our bowel movements regular and improves our body’s flora.

Source: Pexels

Regular consumption of yoghurt enhances our immune system and protects our body from a variety of infections.

Source: Pexels

Yoghurt has anti-carcinogenic properties and is known to protect our body from colon, bladder and breast cancer.

Source: X

Regular consumption of homemade, unsweetened yoghurt helps to regulate blood sugar levels and is very good for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Source: Pexels

Yoghurt is a rich source of calcium, thus making it ideal for improving bone health.

Source: Pexels

Daily consumption of yoghurt reduces inflammation in the body.

Source: Pexels

The high protein content of yoghurt makes us feel full, reduces our appetite and thus decreases our calorie consumption. This, in turn, promotes weight loss

Source: Pexels