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Bread Talks: Did You Know These Interesting Facts About The Humble Pantry Staple?

At the heart of every loaf, slice, or baguette is a fundamental process – baking dough. Wheat, water and yeast are important components.

Source: Unsplash

Most bread owes its airy texture to the process of leavening. This entails incorporating yeast or another rising agent into the dough.

Source: Unsplash

In 2008, Joaquim Gonçalves in Brazil made the Guinness World Record by baking a loaf that weighed 1,571 kilograms.

Source: Unsplash

The world of bread is delicious, vast, and diverse, boasting over 100 varieties like sourdough, multigrain and milk bread.

Source: Unsplash

In ancient Egypt, the importance of bread reached such heights that it served as a medium of exchange, as good as the currency of that time.

Source: Unsplash

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