Republic Lifestyle Desk

Core-Sculpting Pilates Moves That Do Not Need Fancy Equipment

The most basic yet effective move on the roster, the one-hundred is sure to make you feel the burn. Lay flat on your back, tucking your spine in so as to avoid a vacuum in tandem with the mat.

Source: Unsplash

Leg circles: Begin by getting into a forearm plank. Rest one leg down on the knee as you stretch the other leg out at an upward angle keeping your toes pointed. Start drawing circles.

Source: Unsplash

Scissor kicks: Lift your head, neck and shoulders stabilising the position with your back. Point your toes as you kick one leg up - keep it completely straight.

Source: Unsplash

Get into a full plank and make sure your is stable. Push your weight to the shoulders as you lift your hips up in a pike. Come back down to plank position.

Source: Unsplash

Toe-tap cruch: Lie flat on your back, imprinting your spine on to the mat. Take your hands behind your head. Keeping your knees and ankles together take the toes down for a tap on the mat.

Source: Unsplash