Keep pets indoors away from fireworks, crackers, and loud noises. Shut doors and windows, and ensure earthen lamps are not near hazards to prevent harm.
Source: Unsplash
Avoid feeding pets sweets as they can harm their digestive system and health. Instead, provide regular food and avoid offering anything to eat.
Source: Pexels
Before evening festivities, consult a veterinary doctor for pre-anxiety medications and keep their water bowls filled to alleviate anxiety in pets.
Source: Unsplash
During Diwali evenings, encourage your pet to exercise early to avoid potential risks from late-night walks during firecracker noise.
Source: Unsplash
Create a soundproof room or area where noise won't reach your pet.
Source: Unsplash
Ear muffs are a useful tool to shield your pet's ears from noise.
Source: Unsplash
Playing soothing music or turning on the TV can help your pet relax and reduce noise levels.
Source: Unsplash
Keep food, water, and toys in a room to distract your pet, and provide electrolyte-infused water to keep them hydrated.
Source: Unsplash
Pets should be avoided from consuming sweets as many candies contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that can be harmful to them.
Source: Unsplash
Vets can prescribe sedatives and calming supplements to help manage your pet's fear and anxiety.
Source: Unsplash