Republic Lifestyle Desk

Essential Tips To Meditate Well To Improve Your Well-Being

With your eyes closed, simply breathe in while saying "breathe in" in your head as you do but start it early. Keep doing this for the next 20 minutes.

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Find a calm, quiet place to sit or lie down. You may also invest in a meditation chair or cushion.

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Try meditating for three to five minutes. When you first start meditating, you may start with three minutes to adjust. You may increase the time when you're able to sit and take rest.

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Breathe in through your nose for at least three seconds. Hold it in for two seconds, and exhale through your mouth for at least four seconds.

Source: Freepik

Observe your mind when it wanders. You may try repeating a mantra or phrase to decrease distracting thoughts.

Source: Freepik

Use a device to keep track of time, such as a smartphone app.

Source: Freepik