Republic Lifestyle Desk

Fabrics You Must Avoid In Summers

Selecting the right type of lightweight, breathable, and comfortable satin fabric like silk or cotton satin is essential for summer wear.

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Polyester, a plastic fiber, wicks moisture and dries quickly, but retains odors. Breathability varies by yarn size and weave, but should be avoided in hot weather.

Source: Freepik

Choose relaxed fits for comfortable leather pants, opting for lighter colors like white and light tan, as they absorb less heat. But it tries to avoid because it gives sweat.

Source: Freepik

Wearing suede pants or a long sleeve dress in summer would be too warm and uncomfortable due to the fabric and style combination.

Source: Freepik

Nets and lace clothing, despite appearing airy at first, may cause skin irritation over time due to their wider gaps.

Source: Freepik

Velvet is not suitable for Indian summer climates due to its thick and heavy nature, which tends to increase in temperature over time.

Source: Freepik

Denim cloth absorbs heat, preventing sweat drying, causing irritation, skin allergies, rashes, inflammation, and fungal infections, especially during hot summer months.

Source: Freepik