Republic Lifestyle Desk
Have long working shifts? Here are 7 harsh side-effects that might affect you to core in the process
Heard "Do smart work, not hard work"? That's true because if you work long hours, you might feel burdened and your productivity might even decrease with time. A significant breakout time is a must.
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Offices are not a comfy Disneyland. Even if you are at the best venue, there are higher chances of uncomfortable temperatures and noisy surroundings occasionally leading to massive suffering.
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Changes in sleeping patterns or habits can negatively affect health and that's what happens when you have more than 8 hours of shift. Fixing this is also not physically feasible.
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If you spend most of your day at the workplace, your family, partner, and friends could feel deprived of your presence, love, and affection. This work-life mishap can simply lead you to loneliness.
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Employees with desk jobs often experience back and shoulder pain due to long hours of sitting. This leads to spine problems and eyesight-related issues among other physical constraints.
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Many people complain of digestive disorders, which are caused by the poor quality of catering at the office as well as odd eating timings. If you are living away from your house, it's hell plus one.
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Even if you are getting paid well, it still amounts to more stress for employees leading to decreased job satisfaction. The money cannot make up for all the missed weekends or rest one might get.
Source: Twitter
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