Republic Lifestyle Desk

Controlling blood sugar to lowering cholesterol: Health benefits of consuming Kefir drink

This drink contains many species of microorganisms which is beneficial for the body. Kefir is a probiotic food that kills the beneficial species of bacteria that may develop in our digestive tract.

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Traditional Kefir made from full-fat cow's milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin K2, nutrients that are important for bone health.

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The cholesterol levels changes among femals with obesity or overweight who consume Kefir. The probiotics in kefir may play a pivotal role in how much cholesterol the body absorbs from food.

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Blood Sugar control may be helpful for those who have high blood pressure. This is thought to be due to a number of mechanism, including an inhibitory effect on the angiotensin-converting enzyme.

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Kefir may also have other benefits for heart health, including helping to manage blood triglycerides.

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Chronic inflammation is intrinsic to numerous disease conditions, including irritable bowel disease and rhematoid arthritis. Kefir can help you with this one as well.

Source: Upsplash

This is also helpful for people who have lactose intolerance. Keep in mind that it is possible to make kefir that is 100% lactose-free by using any non-dairy beverage.

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