March 27, 2024Republic Lifestyle Desk

Low Calorie Dinner Options For Weight Loss

Chicken is a good source of vitamin B, vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc, and trace amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C. Chicken is rich in an array of important nutrients and aids weight loss.

Source: Freepik

Adding oatmeal into your diet is beneficial for weight loss because of its fiber content.

Source: Freepik

Eat chickpeas at night for weight loss. They are nutritious and low on calories.

Source: Freepik

A good bowl of oats or barley khichdi is great for weight loss. It keeps you full, increases metabolism and decreases cravings.

Source: Freepik

Vegetables in biryani such as asparagus, carrots, and cauliflower are packed with nutrients and micronutrients. These are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, B and E.

Source: Freepik

Cauliflower curry is high in vitamins C and K, and is also a good source of folate, which supports cell growth and is essential during pregnancy. Cauliflower is fat-free and cholesterol-free.

Source: Freepik