Republic Lifestyle Desk

Low cholesterol to better immune, nutrition and health benefits of consuming sesame seeds

Lignans and phytosterols found in sesame seeds are plant compounds known for their potential to reduce cholesterol levels. Additionally, phytosterols are thought to boost immune function.

Source: X

Sesamin found in sesame seeds are recognized for their antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics. The significance of antioxidants to your well-being lies in their ability to safeguard your body.

Source: X

Sesame seeds aid oral health by eliminating plaque-causing bacteria. Oil pulling, an ancient practice, enhances oral hygiene. Sesame oil involves swishing a tablespoon each morning.

Source: Instagram

Research suggests sesame seed oil boosts the effectiveness of type 2 diabetes medications. Consuming sesame seeds helps regulate blood sugar levels, aided by antioxidants in sesame oil.

Source: X

Nutrient-rich sesame seeds are a valuable protein source for vegetarians, offering copper for red blood cell production and immune system support – one cup provides 163% of your daily copper needs.

Source: X

Sesame seeds, with phytoestrogens resembling estrogen, may aid women in managing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. They might also reduce the risk of diseases like breast cancer.

Source: X