Republic Lifestyle Desk

Mulethi to Ashwagandha: Medicinal herbs to include in your diet this winter

Ashwagandha is a traditional herb that helps in sleep and pain relief. Benefits joints, reduces inflammation, boosts immunity and stimulates the thyroid.

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Amla, or Indian gooseberry, in winter, boosts immunity, improves skin, and promotes healthier hair. A spoon with honey or jaggery keeps you fit.

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Mint, a widespread herb in Indian homes, garnishes foods, creates sauces, and brews tea. Rich in vitamin A and antioxidants, it aids colds, eases digestion, and relieves stress.

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Ancient basil, revered in India, aids digestion, prevents liver fat, and treats colds. Inhaling basil water vapour clears a congested nose.

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Grow garlic on your kitchen windowsill for easy access. It boosts immunity, acts as an antiseptic, and fights viral infections. Consume one raw garlic daily for winter wellness.

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Mulethi, a centuries-old remedy, is a versatile herb aiding asthma, digestion, and immunity. Its anti-inflammatory properties benefit the skin, and consuming it promotes winter health.

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This one's winter popularity grows due to gingerols, found in ginger roots, offering medicinal benefits like soothing sore throats and relieving arthritis or joint pain.

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