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Muskmelon Pudding Recipe To Try At Home

Ingredients: 1 cup of muskmelon. A quarter cup of coconut milk, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, 1 tablespoon of chopped dry fruits.

Source: freepik

Recipe: Peel and cut a melon into cubes, then grind the fruit into a thick paste in a grinder.

Source: freepik

Transfer the mixture to a glass jar or a bowl, and add the chia seeds to it along with the coconut milk. Mix all the ingredients and keep it in a refrigerator for two hours.

Source: Freepik

The pudding can be left overnight, then after the specified time, remove the mixture and add the remaining melon pieces to it.

Source: Freepik

Chop various dry fruits such as almonds, cashews, pistachios, and any other fruit of your choice.

Source: Freepik

The pudding is now ready to be enjoyed after being garnished with chopped dry fruits.

Source: Freepik