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Oranges to ginger tea, 7 snacks and drinks you must carry to avoid falling sick

Ginger tea: In a review published in the International Journal of Preventative Medicine, researchers claims that ginger’s potent anti-inflammatory properties were key in the root’s powers to com

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Ginseng tea: Ginseng tea is common for many reasons than its delicious taste. The tea is used as a treatment for upper respiratory tract infections (aka the common cold).

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Blueberries are filled with antioxidants which can help treat and prevent common cold. According to research conducted by the University of Auckland, a class of antioxidants found in blueberries.

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Greek yogurt Greek yogurt is filled with sickness-fighting probiotics. It is packed with more protein than regular yogurt.

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Oranges: Oranges are packed with vitamin C, an essential nutrient when you’re feeling sick because of common cold.

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Tomatoes: A great snack to eat when you’re sick due to their high concentration of vitamin C. Just one medium tomato contains a little over 16 milligrams of vitamin C, which is a prove

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Water: When you’re feeling sick, good old H2O can be one of the most helpful drinks to sip. Staying hydrated can help loosen trapped mucus.

Source: Unsplash

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