Republic Lifestyle Desk

Plants That Bear Pink Leaves To Beautify Your Home

To grow a nerve plant indoors, use a peaty commercial potting mix and maintain high humidity through frequent misting or placing the pot in a tray filled with pebbles and water.

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The Pink Princess Philodendron, a captivating plant, can enhance any indoor garden with its elegance and charm, making it an ideal addition to any home.

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Place polka dot plants in a warm, indirect light environment, water when soil has dried out, and fertilize once a month in spring and summer.

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Rue tea, a plant from Camellia sinensis, can be grown in gardens or containers in warm or cooler climates, but requires three years for leaf harvesting.

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Rubber tree plant, despite tropical origins, can thrive indoors with proper temperature, humidity, and lighting, preferring bright, indirect sunlight from east-facing windows.

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Caladiums are tropical perennials with stunning foliage, suitable for houseplants and outdoor cultivation. Grown as annuals or stored for winter in zones 9-10.

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Aglaonema, a Chinese evergreen, is an excellent beginner plant that is easy to grow, tolerant of various indoor conditions, and aesthetically pleasing.

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