Republic Lifestyle Desk

Should You Be Working Out During Your Period?

While some believe it is best to rest the body as it menstruates, others profess making no jerk shift in one's routine to accommodate the body's process.

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The simple answer to this question, is yes. Working out however in this regard stands best equated with allowing your body physical activity of a softer nature.

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Physical activity gives one a natural endorphin boost, something that helps in the emotional fluctuations that come with the cycle.

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Additionally, if you tend to, as a rule of thumb, have painful periods, making a physical routine out of that time of the month, will go a long way in curbing the pain, as per a Healthline report.

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Turning to Yoga and Pilates during this time will work wonders for your body, allowing it to strengthen and lengthen itself with specific focus on the torso.

Source: Unsplash