Republic Lifestyle Desk

Sugar Alternatives To Use In Tea And Coffee For A Healthy Sweet Treat

Honey: People usually savour honey in tea as it makes for the perfect combination. However, not many know that it can also be added to coffee and it will taste just as good.

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Coconut sugar: This sugar substitute has a low glycemic index. However, the fructose content is almost the same as sugar.

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Maple Syrup: This sweet syrup is not just for your pancakes but can be used in many things and that includes your coffee too. It serves as a great sugar syrup, even during colder seasons.

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Agave: Agave nectar is a natural sweetener which is derived from cacti. For some time, it was popular among health fanatics and then it got slammed because of the high levels of fructose.

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Stevia: It mostly comes in powdered form but is actually a plant derivative from the Stevia rebaudiana. Unlike most sugar substitutes, Stevia does not leave behind a weird aftertaste.

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