Republic Lifestyle Desk

Tips To Grow Mushrooms At Home

Mushrooms thrive in dark, chilly, and humid environments, such as basements or sinks, making them ideal for home cultivation.

Source: Freepik

Before starting mushroom cultivation, ensure your location's ideal temperature is between 55°F and 60°F, away from direct heat sources and chilly drafts, as many basements become too heated in summer.

Source: Freepik

Choose a dark or low-light location for mushrooms, such as a closet in your basement. Some varieties require longer growth periods outdoors, requiring six to three years of controlled environment.

Source: freepik

Setting up a home growing station for mushrooms is simple, with consistent supply through damp cloth and picking as they arise, eventually requiring fresh spawn.

Source: freepik

Utilize surplus mushrooms in favorite dishes, store in vegetable drawer, wrap in paper bag, and dry for optimal freshness. Store in refrigerator for short storage.

Source: Freepik

Ensure the mushroom-growing substrate is thoroughly sterilized to prevent contamination from competing fungi or bacteria.

Source: Freepik

Select a mushroom species that suits your level of experience and growing conditions.

Source: Freepik