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Tips To Make Beetroot Tint For Pink Lips

Beetroot can help lighten and brighten dark lips, while its pink colour adds a pink tinge to the lips.

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Beetroot is a natural moisturizer that provides excellent nourishment to dry and chapped lips, acting as a natural healer.

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Begin by washing and peeling the beetroot, then cut it into small pieces for easier blending.

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Blend beetroot pieces with water until a smooth, vibrant paste is formed.

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Strain the juice using a fine mesh or cheesecloth into a bowl to achieve a smooth tint consistency.

Source: freepik

In a separate bowl, combine one tablespoon of coconut oil and one teaspoon of honey, gradually adding beetroot juice, stirring until well combined.

Source: freepik

Transfer the tint to an airtight container and refrigerate it for optimal longevity.

Source: Freepik