Republic Lifestyle Desk

Vegetable Juices For A Healthy Body

Beetroot juice can enhance stamina, improve exercise duration, enhance blood flow, and lower blood pressure due to its high content of nitrates.

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Excessive consumption of carrot juice can cause carotenemia, a temporary skin color change due to excessive beta-carotene intake. Consume no more than 4 ounces daily.

Source: Freepik

Tomato juice, rich in digestive enzymes and fiber, is a beneficial tonic for the digestive system, aiding in bowel movement regulation, preventing constipation, and promoting smoother digestion.

Source: Freepik

Begin with small daily doses of bitter gourd juice, gradually increasing to assess tolerance, as excessive consumption may cause stomach upset, diarrhea, or hypoglycemia.

Source: Pinterest

Broccoli Juice can help fight cancer, while its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and fiber-rich properties support heart health, lowering cholesterol, maintaining blood pressure.

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Spinach juice, rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, can help manage blood glucose and lipid levels, reduce chronic disease risk, and aid in weight management.

Source: Pinterest

Celery juice offers numerous benefits, but should be consumed alongside a balanced diet and consulted with a healthcare provider for dietary changes.

Source: Freepik