Republic Lifestyle Desk

Why You Should Quit Drinking Soft Drinks

Consuming 140 calories per can of soda, which lacks nutritional value, contributes to weight gain. Switching to low-calorie or zero-calorie soda does not result in weight loss.

Source: freepik

Soft drinks contain soda acid can irritate the stomach lining, leading to heartburn and acid reflux.

Source: Freepik

Soft drinks are linked to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, with daily consumption of one or more sugary cans increasing the risk.

Source: Freepik

The sugary beverages can increase the risk of heart attacks or heart disease in over 90,000 women over eight years, influenced.

Source: Freepik

Soft drinks contain high levels of phosphate which can pose a challenge to healthy bones. While phosphorous is an essential component of bone, consumption of more phosphate than calcium.

Source: Freepik

Soft drinks are high in phosphate can weaken healthy bones, as excessive phosphate consumption can lead to bone loss, despite phosphorous being an essential component of bones.

Source: Freepik

Soft drinks can lead to cancer. It may play role increasing the pancreatic, breast and prostate cancers.

Source: Freepik