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Yoga asanas that help you stay warm in the winters

Garudasana stretches the upper back, shoulder, hips, and thighs. It enhances balance and helps in controlling rheumatism and sciatic pain as well.

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Bhujangasana is always the starting pose of a series of backbends. The aim is to make a gentle bow shape with your spine and to increase the flexibility and strength of mainly your lower back.

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Hasta Uttanasana is a standing backbend pose that involves raising the arms up in salute to the sun. It is practiced as the second and eleventh pose of Surya Namaskara.

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It involves maintaining the position of the legs at a 90° angle and the body appears half the shape of an Indian plough. Halasana- It is also referred to as Full Plough Posture.

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Utkatasana, appears as if someone is sitting on an imaginary chair. Thus, it is also known as chair pose yoga. It is identified as a component of medieval hatha yoga. It is a low squatting posture.

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Padahastasana, also known as Hand to Foot Pose, is a standing forward bending yoga pose. It's a semi-inversion that's considered one of the most intense yoga poses

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Ustrasana is a classic yoga posture that activates the Anahata or the heart chakra. It is a pose that helps open up your chest and back. It is good for preventing slouching and relieving stiffness.

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