Anmol Nagpal

Use of AI in military and warfare purposes

OpenAI has quietly made changes to its usage policy, removing the ban on using its technology for weapons development" and military and warfare.

Source: Unsplash

The rewritten policy page stated that changes had been made to the document to make it clearer and more readable.

Source: Republic

The original OpenAI usage policy included a ban on using the technology for any activity that has a high risk of physical harm, including weapons development and military and warfare, the report said.


The new OpenAI policy, while retaining the phrase "use our service to harm yourself or others", drops the previous ban on using its technology for military and warfare purposes.

Source: X/@indiannavy

Furthermore, the company continues to prohibit the use of its technology for weapons development.

Source: AP

Concerns about the adverse effects of AI, particularly in the waging of war and other related causes, have been a point of concern for many experts around the world.

Source: AP

These concerns have only been exacerbated by the launch of generative AI technologies like OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Bard and the rest which have stretched the limits of what AI can achieve.

Source: Unsplash