Published 23:12 IST, February 12th 2024
Go Back To Basics With Core-Sculpting Pilates Moves That Do Not Need Fancy Equipment
Diet is of paramount importance to achieve washboard abs - fancy equipment is not. Follow these core-sculpting Pilates moves to achieve the toned look.

Intentionally strengthening your core, whether from the perspective of stamina or even aesthetics, does not have to be an intimidating or painstaking journey, taking hours at the gym. Achieving and maintaining a lean core is a gradual process, irrespective of how hard you chose to train. That being said, allocating hours at the gym is not a pre-requisite. Try these basic Pilates moves over a span of twenty minutes, four to five times a week makes for the perfect routine to achieve washboard abs.
The most basic yet effective move on the roster, the one-hundred is sure to make you feel the burn. Lay flat on your back, tucking your spine in so as to avoid a vacuum in tandem with the mat. Bring your legs up to table top position, lifting your head, neck and shoulders.
Take your hands in a straight line along side your hips and start pumping them to counts of four - four breaths in, four breaths out.
Leg circles
Begin by getting into a forearm plank. Rest one leg down on the knee as you stretch the other leg out at an upward angle keeping your toes pointed. Start drawing circles in one direction attempting to complete at least eight before reversing the direction. Keep a straight spine aligned with the neck through out. Repeat on the other side.
Scissor kicks
Lift your head, neck and shoulders stabilising the position with your back. Point your toes as you kick one leg up - keep it completely straight as you proceed to push it down and simultaneously kick the other leg up.
The momentum as you switch between the legs, will fire up your abs, already working hard to keep the crunch going.
Plank to pike
Get into a full plank and make sure your is stable. Push your weight to the shoulders as you lift your hips up in a pike. Come back down to plank position. Exhale during the plank, inhale during the pike.
Attempt to complete at least eight in a go.
Toe tap-crunch
Lie flat on your back, imprinting your spine on to the mat. Take your hands behind your head as you would for a crunch as you bring your legs into table top position. Keeping your knees and ankles together take the toes down for a tap on the mat.As you bring them back up to table top close your arms and legs in with a strong crunch. Attempt at least eight.
Updated 23:12 IST, February 12th 2024