Updated 15:49 IST, December 5th 2018
Diabetes Type 2 Diet Plan :How to Control Diabetes with Indian Food
Find list of North Indian and South Indian diabetic diet plans. Stay fit with recommendations for Indian fruits suitable for diabetes patients. Also, read about comprehensive diabetes diet chart for vegetarians

Statistics suggest that more than 75 million Indians currently suffer from diabetes. The numbers are already quite alarming and are expected to rapidly rise in the foreseeable future. In fact, many consider India to be the diabetes capital of the world. Diabetes is typically a lifestyle disease which can be caused due to a host of different factors. Despite the fact that there are many ways in which the diseases can be controlled, there is still no cure for diabetes, making it a difficult issue to deal with.
Doctors recommend major lifestyle changes in order to keep this condition under control. This makes following a well-defined diabetes diet chart absolutely vital. Diabetics are highly susceptible to heart diseases, vision impairment, skin problems, kidney malfunction and nerve damage. Health professionals recommend a low-fat, high-protein diet to abate insulin resistance. Foods that increase blood sugar levels are to be strictly avoided. The ideal caloric intake per day for patients should be within the range of 1,200-1,600. Let’s take a look at what a typical Indian diet plan for diabetes type 2 should consist of.
North Indian Diet Plan
• Start the day by drinking a blend of warm water and lemon juice. Morning tea (or green tea) should be strictly without any sugar or artificial sweeteners. You can have a couple of digestive biscuits as accompaniments with your tea.
Breakfast Options
• Two servings of porridge
• Couple of brown bread slices with egg whites
• Two small parathas (no ghee/butter) with fresh curd
• Milk with wheat flakes
• One fruit serving (apple, orange, banana)
• Have a salad consisting of carrot, cucumber, beetroot and tomato. You could boil the veggies if you don’t like to eat them raw.
• Baked fish fillet
• Two rotis with sabzi. The recommended vegetables are okra, capsicum, cauliflower and brinjal. You could substitute that for rajma or chole occasionally
Evening Snacks
• Tea or green tea devoid of sugar or artificial sweeteners
• A small serving of baked snacks or bhel puri
• A couple of rotis (medium-sized) with vegetable curry and curd. Avoid root vegetables
• Chicken stew, two rotis (small) and curd
Before Bed
• Drink a glass of warm milk mixed with a hint of turmeric
East Indian Diet Plan
• Upon waking up, drink warm water mixed with apple cider vinegar or a mixture of lemon detox water and watermelon. You can have a couple of digestive biscuits with your sugarless tea.
• A small bowl of milk and banana with flaked rice
• One boiled egg white with two slices of lightly buttered brown bread toast and milk
• Milk and wheat flakes (medium serving)
• One serving of fruit (apple, papaya, or orange)
• A glass of buttermilk
• Two chapatis (medium-sized) with a vegetable like bitter gourd, capsicum, cauliflower, peas. One small bowl of dal
• A small serving of rice and fish curry with a bowl of salad as an accompaniment.
Evening Snacks
• Puffed masala rice with green tea
• A couple of digestive biscuits with green tea
• Dal in a medium-sized bowl with two chapatis
• A couple of chapatis with chicken stew
• Vegetable curry and two chapatis
• Cottage cheese and peas (muttar-paneer) with a couple of chapatis
Before Bed
• One bowl of curd or one glass of warm milk
Diet Plan for People Living in the Western Part of India
• Early in the morning, have a glass of warm water mixed with lemon and honey. You have another option of drinking lime and orange juice. You can have a couple of digestive biscuits with your morning green tea
• One bowl of milk with wheat flakes
• A medium serving of poha with a glass of fruit juice
Before Lunch
• One medium-sized bowl of curd
• Vegetable curry with a couple of chapatis
• Baked or steamed preparations of fish or chicken
Evening Snacks
• One cup of green tea with two digestive biscuits
• Two chapatis with sabzi and curd
• A couple of chapatis, fish/chicken curry and cucumber salad
Before Going to Sleep
• A glass of warm milk
South Indian Diabetic Diet Plan
• Have green tea with honey and lemon first thing in the morning. If you don’t prefer this drink then you can opt for black coffee (without sugar) with a couple of digestive biscuits
• Have two or three idlis with sambhar and chutney
• A couple of dosas with chutney and sambhar
• A small serving of upma with chutney
Before Lunch
• One glass of buttermilk with a fruit serving
• Sambhar rice with lots of vegetables and curd
• Rice with vegetable curry and fish/chicken stew. One bowl of curd
Evening Snacks
• One baked pakoda with black coffee
• Two chapatis with vegetable or chicken clear soup
• Curd, and mixed vegetable curry with a couple of chapatis
Before Bed
• Buttermilk (one glass)
Indian Fruits for Diabetic Patients
• Berries
• Apple
• Orange
• Apricot
• Papaya
• Mosambi/Sweet Lime
• Pomegranates
It’s absolutely vital for individuals with diabetes to follow the above suggestions. Leading a disciplined life will help diabetic people to mitigate the consequences of this condition. Maintaining the appropriate body weight is also necessary. But, before you make any changes to your diet, consult your doctor.
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Published 17:33 IST, November 21st 2018