Published Jan 17, 2025 at 12:25 PM IST

The Debate, Saif Ali Khan Stabbed At His Bandra Home, Hospitalised, Link With Salman Attack?

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you joining us on the debate - I am niranjan filling in for arnab who will be back on the show tomorrow - the attack on saif ali khan in Mumbai's Bandra raises more questions than answer the circumtsances that led to the attack - in Bandra Mumbai one of the safest areas in the financial capital - is it possibel that an atatcker entered and stayed indoors - only to bump into the domestic help and seek 1 crore in ransom and then attack the actor saif ali khan? Some of what is ebing circulated by the Police in Mumbai is not making sense - the timeline is hazy and the attacker is still not arrested. Think about it - what was a thief expecting to find in an actor's residence at 2am? and then when caught - demanded 1 crore - and to top it - why are the usual suspects giving it a religious spin saying muslim actors are being targeted?

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