Updated 14:13 IST, October 24th 2019
Man accidentally blows up entire lawn to destroy cockroach infestation
A Brazilian man, Cesar Schmitz, 48, accidentally blew up his entire lawn out of frustration in order to get rid of the cockroach infestation in his backyard.

A Brazilian man, Cesar Schmitz, 48, accidentally blew up his entire lawn in order to get rid of the cockroach infestation in his backyard. Cesar Schmitz and his wife were so frustrated by the presence of insects in their lawn that Cesar decided the only way to eliminate them was to set fire to the grass. He said that his wife complained about the presence of a lot of insects in their garden. He added that his wife is scared of them and begged him to destroy their nest all in once. He could not anticipate how intense his efforts would be after he threw some gasoline into the hole for good measure. A CCTV footage of the home can be seen which set off a massive explosion on the property in the southern city of Enéas Marques.
Cesar tried to kill insects spraying poison
Fortunately, no one was hurt in the incident. Cesar later realised that things could have turned out much worse for him. Earlier he tried to kill the beetles by spraying poisonous spray but the pests started emerging in huge numbers from their burrow. After that, Cesar took a very drastic step lighting a match to set fire to the hole, and also put a cap full of gasoline. He also had to step forward onto the grass thrice to throw lit matches into the hole because his first two attempts were unsuccessful. This resulted in a massive fire in the lawn as methane gas contained in the insect repellent had accumulated in lethal doses in an air pocket under the lawn.
Cesar's act put grass on fire
It resulted in setting the grass on fire and exploded everything that was present nearby that left Cesar looking on in horror at the extent of the damage. He added that he had no idea that this could happen. He said he has never thought of this before and was lucky as the damage took place only on the lawns. He said if he would have been standing closer or the table had hit him then the situation could have been very dangerous. Local police have confirmed that they have launched an investigation into the matter after examining the footage and said they did not any charges being made for endangering lives. Cesar said that he is still cleaning up the mess and planning to replant his lawn.
(With inputs from agencies)
Published 13:32 IST, October 24th 2019