Updated December 12th, 2023 at 12:24 IST

Dogfight over Jamnagar: Recounting IAF MiG 21's supersonic shootdown of PAF F-104 Starfighter

When an Indian Air Force MiG-21, piloted by Flt Lt Bharat Soni, downed a supersonic PAF fighter jet piloted by Wg Cdr Middlecoat in Gujarat.

Flt Lt Bharat Bhushan Soni's MiG-21 Downs PAF F-104, Flown by Wg Cdr Mervyn Middlecoat | Image:Indian Air Force

On December 12, 1971, at 14:02 hours, the skies over Jamnagar Air Base witnessed a historic confrontation between two rival aircraft, marking a daring display of aerial combat. Flt Lt Bharat Bhushan Soni, piloting a MiG-21FL, engaged in a relentless pursuit of a PAF F-104A Starfighter, ultimately forcing it down in a decisive victory.

The supersonic kill: Soni's valiant pursuit and rescue mission 

The high-stakes encounter unfolded when Mobile Observation Posts detected two unidentified ‘bandits’, Pakistani aircraft violates India’s airspace, crossing the Saurashtra sea coast, heading towards Jamnagar. Responding swiftly, two MiG-21FLs were scrambled to establish a Combat Air Patrol (CAP) over the airfield. Moments later, the enemy aircraft, identified as F-104A Starfighters, initiated an assault on decoy aircraft parked near runway 24/06, prompting defensive measures.

Flt Lt Soni aboard his Mig 21 FL. |  Image: Archive image


As chaos ensued, Soni skillfully manoeuvred his MiG-21, engaging the lead F-104 with an air-to-air missile, only to witness the adversary's evasive countermeasures, diverting the missile's course with flares. Undeterred, Soni closed in further, switching to his cannon. Then, as per archived information, in a tense exchange, he fired three precise bursts, crippling the F-104, which began to flame before the pilot ejected, claiming a skill mark of ‘one of the few supersonic gun kills in the world’.


The ‘valiant’ efforts of Flt Lt did not end with the engagement; he, in a display of humanity towards his adversary, alerted base authorities for a rescue mission to ensure aid reached the downed pilot in the Gulf of Kutch.

. Flt Lt Bharat Bhushan Soni, piloting a MiG-21F(L), Wg Cdr Mervyn Middlecoat aboard his starfighter (R)


The F-104 pilot, Wg Cdr Mervyn Middlecoat, a veteran of past operations, tragically disappeared, leaving no trace of wreckage. However, 15 years later, aircraft debris suspected to belong to the lost F-104 was discovered by Indian naval divers near Jamnagar port, providing closure to the unresolved fate of Middlecoat and his aircraft.

The legacy of Bharat Bhushan Soni

Bharat Bhushan Soni was born into a family affected by the partition of India, embarking on an extraordinary journey. Overcoming adversities, Soni's path led from modest beginnings to becoming a decorated pilot. Commissioned in 1965, Soni’s capabilities earned him accolades and medals through his exceptional performance.

Flt Lt B B Soni (L), Wg Cdr Middlecoat (R).  |  Image: Archive


The December 12 aerial encounter marked the peak of Soni's flying career. Prior missions, including a skirmish on December 11 against Sabres while targeting the Badin radar complex, also illustrated the Flt Lt’s strategic prowess. However, due to the contested conditions, Soni and his squadron did encounter losses during aerial combat.

However, being among the few to have a supersonic kill mark and going beyond by transcending the boundaries of conflict to have saved a downed adversary even amidst the chaos of the war makes the IAF veteran stand out among the ‘flock’.


Published December 12th, 2023 at 11:59 IST