
Published 21:06 IST, April 7th 2020

Fact Check: Did Italians Sing Chinese Song To Thank China For COVID-19 Aid?

'Italians sing Chinese song' is one of the most viral videos doing rounds on social media recently. But the video has no connection with the COVID-19 outbreak.

Reported by: Amir Khollam
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italians sing chinese song
Fact Check: Did Italians Sing Chinese Song To Thank China For COVID-19 Aid? | Image: self

The ongoing coronavirus outbreak has become the epicentre for various fake news and pieces of information to share unverified stories. Various questionable online news portals and social media accounts have started sharing a number of stories related to the coronavirus outbreak without fact-checking. This has resulted in an outcome of infodemic which is bringing paranoia and confusion in people's mind. One such piece of information has been recently identified.

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Claim - 

A recent Facebook post which received thousands of views had claimed that Italian nationals are singing a Chinese song in order to thank the Chinese government for providing aid during the coronavirus outbreak. The video claimed that Italians were showing gratitude to the Chinese government by singing the song Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the Chinese language. The video has received over 1 thousand likes and over 42 thousand views since then. The video showcases four caucasian men singing the Chinese song Qinghai-Tibet Plateau which is being claimed to be because of the coronavirus outbreak. 

ccorona go

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go corona

Rating - False

The claim made by the Facebook post is completely false. The video is originally from August 2019, where a band from Belarus named Clear Voice sang the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau song. The video was posted on both Clear Voice's official YouTube and Instagram account. The video was posted months before the coronavirus pandemic took over in Wuhan, China. 

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A post shared by ЧИСТЫЙ ГОЛОС (@chistiy_golos) on

Origin -

The video was first shared by a Chinese national on Facebook in March 2020. The video then garnered a number of views on the social media platform and went on to become viral. Many Chinese people took the video to be true and shared it on Facebook and other social media platforms. 

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Updated 21:06 IST, April 7th 2020