Fantastic Mr. Fox

Published 14:55 IST, May 8th 2024

Fantastic Mr Fox To Fallen Leaves: Movies To Watch In Less Than 90 Minutes On OTT

Fantastic Mr Fox, Fallen Leaves, The Dictator, Eraserhead and more movies that you can watch in less than 90 minutes.

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1/7: Eraserhead (1977): David Lynch directed this surrealist horror film about a man who is at his wits' end with life. / Image: IMDb

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2/7: Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009): Wes Anderson's first stop-motion animation film was adapted from a Roald Dahl story, and worked wonders with the narrative and the filmmaking. / Image: Prime Video

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3/7: The Dictator (2012): Sacha Baron Cohen played General Aladeen, the dictator of a fictitious country, who experiences a major cultural shock when he visits the USA. / Image: IMdb

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4/7: Locke (2013): Steven Knight directed this drama set largely inside a vehicle, focussing on a man (Tom Hardy) who is returning from work and receives some startling news. / Image: IMdb

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5/7: Hush (2016): Mike Flanagan directed this horror film about a deaf woman living in isolation who finds herself in the crosshairs of a dangerous man. / Image: IMdb

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6/7: Chintu Ka Birthday (2020): Devanshu Singh and Satyanshu Singh directed this heart-warming film about an Indian migrant family stuck in Iraq as the Americans invaded the country. / Image: IMDb

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7/7: Fallen Leaves (2023): This subdued romantic comedy is about two people who meet cute, then find themselves on opposing ends of an argument, and then finally get together at the end. / Image: IMdb

Updated 14:55 IST, May 8th 2024