Updated 21:07 IST, June 18th 2024
How To Make Your New Pets Comfortable?
Pet owners need help when they bring home a new animal into their homes. They should seek the expertise of professionals.

1/5: Arrange for your dog to arrive during a weekend or when you can be home for a few days. Get to know each other and spend some quality time together / Image: Unsplash

2/5: Controlling the need to announce your paw mate's arrival helps your them face less stressful situations. / Image: Unsplash

3/5: Lets your pet relax and ease into life around it before you attempt at teaching it new skills. / Image: Unsplash

4/5: The latest addition to your life has already undergone a major shift of environment, therefore, its essential for pet owners to have a patient way of dealing with his new buddy. / Image: istock

5/5: Just like your guests that need to time to feel comfortable in a new surrounding, pets require the same and setting them up in a corner that they feel comfortable expediates the process. / Image: Unsplash
Published 21:07 IST, June 18th 2024