Updated 23:52 IST, April 21st 2024
Ways To Lower The Glycaemic Index Of Cetain Foods Items
Foods with a high GI cause rapid spikes in blood sugar. That is why they are not recommended to people in general.

1/5: A simple slice of white bread can cause a quick rise in blood sugar due to its high glycaemic index. However, toasting it allows one to changes its structure, which results in reducing its glycemic im / Image: Unsplash

2/5: Green bananas contain up to 20 times more resistant starch than their yellow relatives. / Image: Freepik

3/5: Apples are a fibrous powerhouse, especially if you consume the entire fruit, core included its helps keep the sugar release moderated. / Image: Freepik

4/5: a simple hack can boost the health benefits of cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and cabbage. Chopping these vegetables 40 minutes before cooking enhances their antioxidant properties. / Image: Freepik

5/5: Chickpeas have low glycaemic index and are also high in protein. They should be part of your diet. / Image: Unsplash
Published 23:52 IST, April 21st 2024