Updated June 20th, 2023 at 14:24 IST

India gifts missile corvette INS Kirpan to Vietnam, strengthens 'Look East' policy

India gifts missile warship INS Kirpan to Vietnam, bolstering maritime security & strategic partnership amid Chinese concerns.

Announcement on INS Kirpan came after Rajnath Singh held a meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart. (Image: Indian Navy) | Image:self

India has gifted an indigenously-built missile warship, INS Kirpan, to its strategic partner Vietnam with the aim of strengthening its reach in the South China Sea. The announcement came after India's Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh, held a meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart, General Phan Van Gang, in the national capital on June 9.

Defence Ministers of India and Vietnam strengthen bilateral defence ties in a high-level meeting. (Image: Ministry of Defence)

3 Things You Need to Know about Gifting the Kirpan

  • The gift of INS Kirpan, an in-service missile corvette, will enhance the Vietnamese People's Navy.

  • Vietnam is a vital partner in India's Act East policy, and the gift of Kirpan strengthens this alliance.

  • During the visit, Ministers discussed defence cooperation, research, and joint production.

Enhanced maritime security with INS Kirpan

The missile corvette will become the second largest in Vietnam's arsenal and provide a cost-effective solution for Vietnam's coastal defence and patrol operations. With its smaller crew requirements and efficient operation in littoral waters, INS Kirpan offers an efficient and affordable option. It has been designed with multi-purpose capabilities, including anti-ship warfare, anti-submarine warfare, and patrol missions. This versatility allows the Vietnamese Navy to effectively address a wide range of maritime security challenges. Given Vietnam's significant coastal territory, these corvettes can conduct surveillance, enforce maritime law, and respond effectively to threats in nearshore areas. Additionally, acquiring corvettes with capable armament and sensors contributes to regional stability, enabling Vietnam to maintain a credible defence posture and engage in cooperative maritime security efforts with neighbouring countries, fostering stability and cooperation in the region.

Deepening mutual cooperation for further growth

This gesture also signifies the deepening alliance between Vietnam and India, which has been steadily growing over the past decade. The Ministry of Defense's official release stated, "Both Ministers identified means to enhance existing areas of collaboration, especially in the field of defence industry cooperation, maritime security, and multinational cooperation." The officials also discussed defence research and joint production during the Vietnamese defence minister's visit to the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) headquarters.

Kirpan Strengthens India's 'Look East' Policy

India's strategic partnership with Vietnam is a crucial component of its Act East Policy and broader vision for the Indo-Pacific region. The "Look East" policy aims to foster economic cooperation, cultural ties, and strategic relations. The gifting of INS Kirpan reflects a trend of countries coming together to counterbalance China's influence and emphasises regional cooperation for security. It highlights India's proactive role in the Indo-Pacific, strengthening defence capabilities, and projecting its influence. The objective is to ensure regional stability and promote a balanced and prosperous Indo-Pacific.

On the eve of its decommissioning after 32 years of service, the INS Khukri was commemorated. (Image: Press Information Bureau)

During General Phan Van Gang's visit to India, a solemn wreath-laying ceremony was held at the National War Memorial, where he paid homage to the fallen heroes. In the future, the collaboration can extend beyond defence equipment and encompass joint exercises, information sharing, and capacity building.



Published June 20th, 2023 at 11:32 IST