Published 22:26 IST, May 7th 2024

Boost Your Athletic Performance With High-Altitude Training

Try out high-altitude training, an effective strategy for increasing EPO production, and elevating oxygen delivery in your body.

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High-altitude training | Image: Unsplash

Athletes across various sports are continuously exploring innovative methods to enhance their performance, and one effective strategy that has gained popularity is high-altitude training. This method involves training at elevations typically between 7,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level, where the air is thinner and oxygen levels are significantly reduced.

High-altitude training

At high elevations, the decreased oxygen availability makes it more challenging to breathe and perform physical activities. This added difficulty is precisely what makes high-altitude training so beneficial. Athletes, including runners, cyclists, and skiers, use this training method to improve their endurance and overall performance.


How to imbibe high-altitude training?

To effectively integrate high-altitude training into your regimen, consider the following tips:

Reduce exercise intensity: Initially, you may need to decrease your workout intensity to adjust to the lower oxygen levels without overexerting yourself.


Gradual elevation increase: Allow your body to adapt to the altitude gradually. Sudden exposure to high altitude can lead to altitude sickness.

Interval hill training: This involves running up a hill and walking or jogging down. Repeat the process to enhance cardiovascular fitness and simulate high-altitude conditions.


Breathing exercises: Strengthen your lung capacity through specific exercises designed to improve your breathing efficiency.

A man trains for ultra run trail in the mountains in the fall with the first snow on the mountains
Image credit: Unsplash

Benefits of high-altitude training

Training at high altitudes offers several physiological advantages:


Enhanced oxygen delivery: While exercising, your muscles require oxygen to generate energy. High-altitude training improves your body's ability to transport oxygen to your muscles, reducing fatigue.

Increase in EPO production: According to a 2016 study, high-altitude training boosts the production of erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells. More red blood cells mean better oxygen delivery throughout the body.


Increased aerobic capacity: High-altitude training can lead to a higher VO2 max, which is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize during intense exercise. A higher VO2 max significantly improves endurance and performance.

The Beginner’s Guide to Running at High Altitude | Running tips, Sea ...
Image credit: Pixabay

Practical considerations

While the benefits are significant, high-altitude training is not without its challenges. The risk of altitude sickness is real, and athletes need to monitor their health closely and adjust their training loads accordingly. Moreover, the benefits from high-altitude training can diminish if not maintained with regular, lower altitude workouts.

For athletes who cannot train at high altitudes due to geographical or other constraints, simulated altitude environments or hypoxic training devices are available that can mimic the conditions of high altitudes.


22:26 IST, May 7th 2024