Updated December 14th, 2023 at 12:04 IST

Speed your way to better health by power walking regularly

An effective low-impact exercise, power walking has many health benefits. Some of them include improved heart health, calorie burning and better posture.

Benefits of power walking | Image:Unsplash

Are you too much of a workout pro to simply go on an evening walk but cannot really jog around for an hour at a stretch? Then power walking is a concept developed just for you. Lying somewhere between jogging and walking, power walking is a fitness shortcut to good health and active lifestyle.

What is power walking?

Power walking | Image: Unsplash

A popular low-impact aerobic exercise, power walking offers a dynamic and effective way to boost cardiovascular health, enhance endurance, and improve overall fitness. This brisk walking style involves purposeful arm movements, a strong and long stride, and a focus on maintaining an elevated heart rate. Here's a closer look at the benefits and techniques of power walking.

Benefits of power walking

There are many health benefits associated with power walking. Here are some of them.

Cardiovascular fitness

Power walking is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that elevates the heart rate, improving blood circulation and strengthening the heart. Regular sessions contribute to enhanced heart health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Focus on taking bigger strides with a heel-to-toe rolling motion. Maintain a brisk pace that challenges your cardiovascular system but allows you to catch a breather.

Calorie burning

While power walking is gentler on the joints compared to high-impact activities, it remains an effective calorie-burning exercise. The intensity of power walking helps in losing weight, slowly but surely and contributes to overall fitness goals.

Take longer strides | Image: Unsplash

Low-impact exercise

Power walking provides a low-impact alternative to running or jogging. It is gentler on the joints, making it accessible to many people, including those with joint concerns or injuries. Beginners starting their fitness journey and elderly people can really benefit from it.

Improved posture and core strength

Maintaining a proper posture during power walking engages the core muscles. Over time, this contributes to improved posture and enhanced core strength due to discipline and regularity of the workout.

Mental well-being

Like any form of aerobic exercise, power walking triggers the release of endorphins, promoting a positive mood and reducing stress. It provides an opportunity for enjoying your workout and relaxation.


Published December 13th, 2023 at 22:33 IST