Published 12:26 IST, April 2nd 2024

Yoga Poses To Increase Concentration And Boost Productivity

Yoga offers a holistic approach to improving mental clarity and sharpening focus through a combination of physical postures, breathwork, and techniques.

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Yoga Poses To Increase Concentration | Image: Unsplash

We live in a world where we read news as one liners, consume content in the form of memes and watch entire movies as 30 second reels. Our attention span is getting smaller and it is a given that maintaining focus and concentration is a challenge. Fortunately, yoga offers a holistic approach to improving mental clarity and sharpening focus through a combination of physical postures, breathwork, and techniques.


Begin your practice by grounding yourself in Tadasana, or Mountain Pose. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, arms relaxed by your sides, and spine elongated. Engage your core muscles, lift through the crown of your head, and focus your gaze on a fixed point in front of you. Tadasana helps center the mind, improve posture, and cultivate mental clarity.

Yoga Poses To Increase Concentration | Image: Unsplash


Vrikshasana, or Tree Pose, challenges your balance and focus while strengthening your legs and core. Start in Tadasana and shift your weight onto one foot. Place the sole of your opposite foot on the inner thigh or calf of your standing leg, avoiding the knee. Bring your hands to prayer position at your heart center or extend them overhead. Find a focal point to gaze at and breathe deeply. Hold the pose for a few breaths before switching sides.


Paschimottanasana, or Seated Forward Bend, calms the mind, stretches the spine, and releases tension in the back and hamstrings. Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Inhale to lengthen your spine, then exhale to fold forward from the hips, reaching for your feet or shins. Keep your back straight and gaze forward or toward your toes. Hold the pose for several breaths while maintaining a steady breath.



Balasana, or Child's Pose, is a calming and grounding posture that promotes relaxation and introspection. Begin on your hands and knees, then sink your hips back toward your heels as you extend your arms forward and lower your forehead to the mat. Rest your forehead on the ground and surrender to the pose, focusing on your breath and letting go of distractions. Stay in Child's Pose for several breaths or as long as feels comfortable.

Yoga Poses To Increase Concentration | Image: Unsplash

Bhramari Pranayama

Finish your practice with Bhramari Pranayama, or Bee Breath, to quiet the mind and enhance mental focus. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Place your thumbs on your ears, index fingers on your forehead, and remaining fingers lightly over your closed eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale slowly while making a gentle buzzing sound like a bee. Repeat several times, focusing on the vibration and sound.


12:26 IST, April 2nd 2024