Published Oct 9, 2023 at 6:48 PM IST

Clouds of smoke rise over Gaza at sunrise

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared a state of war on Saturday, marking a significant escalation in the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza. This intensified hostilities came in the wake of a devastating barrage of rockets launched by Palestinian militants from Gaza into Israeli territory, accompanied by infiltrations by gunmen. In immediate response, Israel launched airstrikes against Gaza as Prime Minister Netanyahu made a resolute commitment to exact a substantial cost from the opposing forces.

The situation has sparked deep concern over the potential for further violence and instability in the region. The longstanding conflict, marked by cycles of violence, continues to pose significant challenges to international efforts towards peace and stability in the Middle East. As the situation unfolds, the international community is closely monitoring developments and working towards de-escalation and a lasting resolution to the ongoing tensions.
