Updated August 3rd, 2021 at 06:15 IST

Cyprus to start COVID-19 vaccination of children aged 12 and above with mRNA jabs

Health Minister Hadjipantela stated that Cyprus was following in footsteps of countries like France, Germany, and Italy that started vaccinating children.

Reported by: Zaini Majeed
IMAGE: AP/PTI | Image:self

Cyprus voluntary started vaccinations of kids over the age of 12 using the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines on Monday, Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantelas announced. The decision was reached after the country’s cabinet gave the green light for the inoculation of minors under 16, Cyprus mail reported. The government has also planned to mandate the SafePass in the establishments and public facilities where more than 10 people assemble. The certificates will also be needed to enter state and private hospitals. 

Health Minister Hadjipantela stated that Cyprus was following in the footsteps of the European countries like France, Germany, and Italy that started inoculating children aged 12 and 15. While the youngsters were encouraged to get their shots, it was advisable for them to seek prior permission from their parents and guardians to get the vaccine dose. According to the Associated Press, there has been a surge in infections among the younger population in Cyprus with a median age of 28 in the last 14 days. 

'SafePass' required to enter places with more than 10 people

“The world’s scientific community is in unison making it loud and clear that those who haven’t been vaccinated yet are most at risk,” Hadjipantela was quoted as saying by AP. He further added that it would be made compulsory for the inoculated people to produce the “SafePass” — that is the electronic or paper documentation deemed as proof of vaccination. It would also be made mandatory in most facilities for the citizens to produce the negative PCR test in the previous 72 hours. 

“Apart from all indoor and outdoor restaurant, bar and club areas as well as shopping malls, supermarkets and other retail stores, “SafePass” must now be displayed at nursing homes and hospitals,” reported the Associated Press.

The certification has also caused widespread rage and protests among the people who alleged that the document is a threat and direct assault on their right to assemble and is discriminatory. All non-permanent residents entering the Republic are required to take the PCR or rapid antigen test negative on the seventh day of their arrival. Anyone that has recovered from the COVID-19 infection would be exempt from this rule. The vaccinations drive for the children aged 12 was decided after the recommendation by the Cyprus Paediatric Society and the Scientific Advisory Committee on coronavirus.


Published August 3rd, 2021 at 06:15 IST