Updated April 22nd, 2021 at 19:50 IST

Health workers scuffle with police during Greece protest

Health workers scuffle with police during Greece protest

| Image:self

Greek hospital workers scuffled with police after marching through central Athens to the health ministry Thursday, demanding to meet the minister.

"We wanted to send a delegation to present our issues, and even though the minister was inside, he did not accept to speak with the heroes, as they call us, because we ruin the narrative," said Michalis Giannakos, the head of the public hospital employees federation.

Earlier, a few hundred health workers marched through the streets of Athens, holding banners and placards, on their way to the health ministry.

Hospital workers want more medical staff be hired as the country struggles to contain a resurgence of the coronavirus.

Despite lockdown measures, Greece has struggled to contain a flare-up in cases that started in late January, and its mortality rate remains above the European Union average.

The cumulative death toll reached 9,713 on Wednesday, and the country's hospitals are struggling to treat unprecedented numbers of intubated patients.

Restrictions, many of which have been in effect since early November, will remain in place over Orthodox Easter on May 2, but things will change quickly after that.

Greece says its tourism services will open on May 15 when a ban on travel between different regions of the country will also be lifted.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis made the announcement in a televised address Wednesday, adding that restaurants and cafes will be allowed to reopen outdoor areas starting on May 3.

After the Easter holiday, schools will reopen on May 10 for grades 1 through 9. Students in the final three grades returned to class on April 12.


Published April 22nd, 2021 at 19:49 IST