Updated April 15th, 2020 at 09:04 IST

Montana governor: No timeline for return to normal

The directives in place in Montana include school and business closures that started in March, temperature screenings of passengers at airports, social distancing and a recommendation to wear masks in establishments like grocery stores, where social distancing is difficult.

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Gov. Steve Bullock said he does not have a timeline for things to return to normal after the coronavirus outbreak, but Republican legislative leaders say he should start moving in that direction because the state’s economy is in a freefall.

Bullock said during a Tuesday news conference and a Monday telephone town hall that he will continue issuing his stay-at-home orders in two-week intervals based on advice from medical professionals.

Indicators such as a decline in cases over a two-week period or increased testing capability could lead to easing restrictions, but the state would take a gradual and measured approach toward reopening, he said.

“We can’t just flip the switch,” he said.

The directives in place in Montana include school and business closures that started in March, temperature screenings of passengers at airports, social distancing and a recommendation to wear masks in establishments like grocery stores, where social distancing is difficult.

Republican legislative leaders, including Senate President Scott Sales and House Speaker Greg Hertz, wrote to Bullock Tuesday complaining that he hurt private businesses by arbitrarily deciding which were essential and could stay open, but apparently has not furloughed any state employees.

“It is past time to rethink your response to COVID-19 as it pertains to the citizens of Montana and implement more strategic measures in an effort to re-engage our economy once again,” they wrote.

The lawmakers suggested allowing local school districts to decide to bring students back into classrooms and businesses in counties with no recent COVID-19 cases to reopen, while keeping areas with high numbers of infected people such as Gallatin County under heavier restrictions. They also suggest following the example of states like Florida, by directing at-risk populations, such as older residents and those suffering from chronic health conditions, to stay home.

“If businesses remain closed, income and property taxes, fees and other collections will plummet, causing widespread and catastrophic results to people employed in both the public and private sectors,” the Republican lawmakers wrote.

Bullock said those decisions would be based on data and science, not politics. “We have to have a healthy population to have a healthy economy,” he said.

For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia, and death.

Montana reported 399 cases on Tuesday morning and seven deaths.

Fifty people have been hospitalized with COVID-19 and 24 remain in hospitals. Five new cases were confirmed Monday. None were in Gallatin County, which has just over one-third of the state’s cases.

(Image Credit: AP) 


Published April 15th, 2020 at 09:04 IST