Updated October 19th, 2020 at 06:13 IST

Trump speaks as he arrives for Carson City rally

Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden went on the offense on Sunday, with each campaigning in states they are trying to flip during the November 3 election.

| Image:self

US President Donald Trump arrived in Reno, Nevada, on Sunday for an evening rally in Carson City.

Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden went on the offense on Sunday, with each campaigning in states they are trying to flip during the November 3 election.

Earlier that day, Trump made a rare visit to church before a fundraiser.

Once considered a battleground, Nevada hasn't swung for a Republican presidential contender since 2004.

Both candidates are trying to make inroads in states that could help secure a path to victory, but the dynamics of the race are remarkably stable.

Biden enjoys a significant advantage in national polls, while carrying a smaller edge in battleground surveys.


Published October 19th, 2020 at 06:13 IST