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Published 10:10 IST, January 11th 2022

Fact Check: ‘False claims’ on COVID lockdown in India viral, YouTube videos ‘misleading’

Asserting that some YouTube videos are claiming possibility of lockdown amid third wave of COVID-19, PIB has clarified that the information is misleading.

Reported by: Bhavyata Kagrana
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Image: Twitter@PIBFactCheck | Image: self

The Press Information Bureau (PIB) on Tuesday clarified facts on certain videos that were posted on video streaming platform- YouTube claiming the possibility of lockdown. 

"Many videos on #YouTube are making false claims related to the third wave of #COVID19 and possible lockdown #PIBFactCheck : These videos are misleading. #YouTube are making false claims related to the third wave of #COVID19 and possible lockdown," added PIB statement. 

'Do not share any such videos or misleading screenshots,' added the PIB fact check:

COVID-19 condition in India

Meanwhile, the nation reported another spike in the fresh cases with 1,68,063 fresh cases &  277 deaths. According to the Union Health Ministry, a total of 69,959 patients recovered in the last 24 hours. The active case tally has reached 8,21,446 while the Daily positivity rate is at 10.64%. The new variant - Omicron case tally is at 4,461. 

COVID-19 vaccination drive in India

According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, on the first day of the precautionary dose drive which was on January 10, more than nine lakh doses were administered to the eligible age group. 4,91,013 precaution doses have been administered to healthcare workers, 1,90,383 to frontline workers, and 2,54,868 to the 60-plus population with comorbidities. 

India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has crossed 152.78 Crore with 152.89 cr vaccine doses administered so far under Nationwide Vaccination Drive. More than 82 lakh (82,76,158) vaccine doses have been administered on January 10 (Till 7 pm). The daily vaccination tally is expected to increase with the compilation of the final reports for the day by late night.

As India began administering precautionary doses, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday lauded those who got vaccinated. Stating that vaccination is the only most effective way to fight COVID-19, the Prime Minister further requested more eligible people to come forward and get the booster dose administered. The "precaution doses" are being rolled out for the healthcare and frontline workers, and comorbid people aged 60 and above as the country is witnessing a massive spike in COVID-19 cases.

Updated 10:10 IST, January 11th 2022

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