Updated 14:10 IST, October 19th 2022
PIB Fact Check: No, Indians will not 'get cancer' by 2025 due to adulteration of milk
The fact-checking team of the Press Information Bureau has announced that the WHO has not issued to GoI any advisory on the issue of adulteration of milk
In an important notice released by the fact-checking team of the Press Information Bureau (PIB), it has announced that the World Health Organization (WHO) has not issued any advisory to the government of India (GoI) related to the adulteration of milk products in India that will lead to cancer.
PIB Fact check: 87% of Indians will get cancer by 2025 due to adulteration of milk?
The fake notice that is surfacing on social media platforms states that WHO has issued an advisory saying that 87 percent of Indians could be a victim of cancer by 2025. The advisory also mentioned that the milk being sold in the Indian markets is adultered and if it's consumed then there is a high risk of cancer. If this adulteration is not controlled, then the large population of India will be vulnerable to cancer. Around 68.7% of milk sold in India is adulterated.
Taking to Twitter PIB Fact Check took cognisance of the matter and responded, "Has the World Health Organization issued an advisory saying that 87% of Indians will get cancer in 8 years due to adulteration of milk available in India? Not. This claim is false. WHO has not issued any such advisory".
It also released a clarification provided by the WHO which states, "No WHO Advisory on Milk Contamination. Contrary to reports in a section of the media, WHO would like to state that it has not issued any. Advisory to the Government of India on the issue of adulteration of milk/milk products".
(Image: @PIBFactCheck-Twitter/RepresentativeImage)
Published 10:10 IST, October 19th 2022