Updated March 28th, 2022 at 13:27 IST

Baffled fans react as Oscars 'In Memoriam' fails to mention Lata Mangeshkar, Dilip Kumar

The In Memoriam section of Oscars 2022 failed to pay homage to late Indian legends Lata Mangeshkar and Dilip Kumar, creating an uproar among fans.

Reported by: Kriti Nayyar

The In Memoriam section of Oscars 2022 paid homage to the stalwarts of the entertainment world who passed away recently. Several titans of the silver screen died since the 2021 Oscars In Memoriam montage, with the Academy Awards celebrating their journey at the Dolby Theatre. From Sidney Poitier, Betty White, Carmine Salinas to Olivia Dukakis, William Hurt and others, many departed souls were recognized by the Academy. 

However, late Indian legends Lata Mangeshkar, as well as Dilip Kumar, were missing from the segment, creating an uproar among the audiences. Netizens, who were hoping to see the trailblazing icons get featured, took to social media and expressed disappointment as to how 'cinema legends' were skipped from the organisers' eyes. 

Baffled fans react as Oscars 2022 fail to pay tribute to Lata Mangeshkar, Dilip Kumar

Expressing anger and bewilderment at the 'ignorance', one user mentioned, "They should have shown Lata Mangeshkar and Dilip Kumar in the In Memoriam section ..I mean come on man! They are CINEMA LEGENDS!". PS - MAYBE THEY ARE MENTIONED ON THE SITE BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT BETTER."

One user also claimed how Lata Mangeshkar has given vocals to more songs than 'shown in all Oscars combined'. They added, "Yet, the #Oscars2022 #Inmemoriam did not see it fit to honour her even with a mention. Sometimes, I think, colonialism still lives on…”

Apart from Poitier, Betty White, other artists like cinematographer Hayla Hutchins; talent manager Chris Huvane; producers Jerome Hellman, David H DePatie, Martha De Laurentiis, Brian Goldner, Irwin W Young, Alan Lard Jr; Superman director Richard Donner and several others were included in the section. 

Even Bob Saget's absence from the list of 'In Memorium' celebrities caused an uproar among fans, with many quipping 'Cancel the Oscars'.  The Full House star was found dead in a hotel room in January. He was 65 years old. 



Published March 28th, 2022 at 13:27 IST