Published 08:39 IST, February 28th 2024

Effective Workouts To Relieve Post-Flight Stiffness And Soreness

Say goodbye to post-flight stiffness and soreness with these five effective workouts designed to stretch and loosen tight muscles.

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Effective Workouts To Relieve Post-Flight Stiffness And Soreness | Image: Unsplash

Long flights can leave you feeling stiff, achy, and fatigued, especially if you've been sitting in cramped quarters for an extended period. If you are scheduled to take a long flight or you are feeling fatigued by one you took recently, say goodbye to post-flight stiffness and soreness with these five effective workouts designed to stretch and loosen tight muscles.

Yoga flow

A gentle yoga flow is an excellent way to release tension and increase flexibility after a long flight. Start with a few rounds of Sun Salutations to warm up your body and then move through a series of yoga poses that target tight muscles, such as Forward Fold, Downward Dog, Cat-Cow, and Pigeon Pose. Focus on deep breathing and mindful movement to promote relaxation and ease stiffness in your muscles and joints.

Yoga increases flexibility | Image: Unsplash

Foam rolling

Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release technique that helps alleviate muscle tightness and improve mobility. Use a foam roller to target key areas of tension, such as your back, hips, calves, and thighs. Roll slowly and steadily over each muscle group, pausing on any areas of tightness or discomfort. Apply gentle pressure and breathe deeply as you release tension and restore mobility to your muscles.

Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching involves moving your body through a range of motion to improve flexibility and mobility. Perform dynamic stretches such as leg swings, arm circles, hip circles, and torso twists to gently loosen tight muscles and increase blood flow to your muscles and joints. Focus on controlled movements and smooth transitions to avoid overstretching or straining your muscles.

Stretching can be great for your form | Image: Unsplash

Pilates mat exercises

Pilates mat exercises are excellent for strengthening your core, improving posture, and restoring balance and alignment to your body. Incorporate exercises such as the Hundred, Roll-Up, Spine Stretch Forward, and Swan Dive to engage your core muscles and mobilise your spine. Focus on controlled movements and proper form to maximize the effectiveness of each exercise and alleviate post-flight stiffness.

Walking or light jogging

Gentle cardio activities like walking or light jogging can help increase circulation and loosen stiff muscles after a flight. Take a leisurely walk or jog around your neighborhood or a nearby park to get your blood flowing and your muscles moving. Focus on maintaining a relaxed pace and listening to your body's cues to avoid overexertion or fatigue.


08:39 IST, February 28th 2024