Updated 10:23 IST, June 6th 2020
Is the blood real in WWE? Facts and myths about bloodbaths in WWE
Is the blood real in WWE? Wrestlers like Stone Cold Steve Austin would frequently be pictured with blood on their faces during the Attitude era.

In the iconic Attitude era, superstars using foul words and beating each other to a pulp was a frequent sight. When a superstar would vow that there would be a bloodbath in the ring on a particular day, he/she would do everything in their power to bring that to fruition. The bloodbaths of the glory days, however, have been resigned to being a memory. In the PG era, WWE has limited power on the blood and gore they can showcase in the ring. Today, WWE superstars do not cuss and they hardly bleed in the ring. Here's a look at the history of the WWE blood and gore, and why the WWE blood and gore is a rare sight in the ring these days.
Also Read l Is the blood real in WWE? Is there real blood in WWE: Lesnar destroys and silences Reigns in 2018: WWE News
Is the blood real in WWE? Use of razor blades in the Attitude era
WWE superstars still bleed in the ring, albeit rarely. Pro-wrestlers earlier used razor blades to cut themselves during the match. Many reports claim that WWE saw a rise in ticket sales when the wrestlers would somehow draw blood since it showed how much a wrestler is willing to go through to win the match. Though the use of razor blades was deemed safe by many wrestlers, on many occasions, blading went horribly wrong.
WWE superstars used to make small cuts on their body so they could bleed and still fight till the end. Sometimes, however, WWE superstars would make huge razor cuts which would have an impact on their in-ring performance and turned out to be life-threatening. This mistake has been made by a number of WWE greats like Shawn Michales,Ric Flair and John Cena in the past. WWE ultimately went on to ban blading in 2008.
Also Read l Is the blood real in WWE? Is there real blood in WWE: Do WWE superstars really bleed: WWE Rumours, WWE News
Is the blood real in WWE? Use of blood capsules in the modern/PG era
These days WWE superstars use two different techniques to bleed. One way is that a WWE star can ask their opponent to punch them hard enough to draw blood. The opponent can also use chairs, tables, hammers, and other things to make a wrestler bleed. Another way is to use a blood capsule. If a WWE wrestler does not want to put his body on the line, then he/she can signal to a WWE official to pass them a blood capsule. After the wrestler receives the capsule from the official, he/she signals their opponent to begin the punishment. During or after getting attacked, the superstar breaks the capsule and applies the blood wherever necessary.
Also Read l Is the blood real in WWE? Is there real blood in WWE:Why did WWE ban blading in 2008: WWE Rumours, WWE News
Here’s a rare video of Roman Reigns using blood capsule during a WWE RAW segment
Published 11:35 IST, June 6th 2020