Updated August 23rd, 2020 at 19:53 IST

Russia says it is impossible to prove Belarus leader Lukashenko did not win vote

The Russia's Foreign Minister said that it would be impossible to prove that Belarus leader did not win the election in the absence of international observers.

Reported by: Bhavya Sukheja
| Image:self

The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on August 21 reportedly said that it would be impossible to prove that Belarus leader Alexander Lukashenko did not win an August 9 election in the absence of international observers. The Interfax news agency reported that Lavrov said that Moscow calls for the launch of a genuinely broad national dialogue in Belarus after the disputed presidential election results set off two weeks of protest and unrest. 

Belarus has been witnessing massive anti-government protests over the recent election results, in which Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko retained his position with a landslide win. Lukashenko has made repeated appeals to Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin to “intervene” in the current political upheaval in his nation and safeguard his 26 years of the regime. He was quoted as saying, “we will perish” by the state media reports, which revealed, that the “disturbed” Belarusian leader sent several SOS to his Russian counterpart asking him to take control of the situation.  

READ: Belarus' Lukashenko Orders Army To Defend Borders Ahead Of Mass Protests

According to media reports, Lukashenko also sought Kremlin’s support against the “external threats.” He said that Russia had, in fact, agreed to help ensure Belarus' security against external pressures. He, however, remained unclear about the “external threat” he referred to. Additionally, in a telephonic conversation, he warned his Russian counterpart, saying, there was a threat “not only to Belarus”.

Reports confirmed Lukashenko informing the military chiefs about Russia’s "comprehensive help". He was reported saying that Russia had agreed to “solve” Belarus problems and “soon”. Both Russia and Belarus have remained strong allies fostering the economic and military co-operation, however, Belarus opposition launched a scathing attack on Lukashenko for seeking foreign aid.  

READ: Belarus Protesters Demand Fair Elections, Freedom

Lukashenko orders army to defend borders 

Meanwhile, amid the ongoing protests, Lukashenko has ordered the army to defend the country's territorial integrity. Reportedly, these orders were given while the leader was visiting military units in Grodno. The 65-year-old leader won a sixth term in the elections that took place on August 9 with 80.23 per cent of the vote. Lukashenko criticized the recent anti-government protests, which as per him are receiving support from Western counties. The authoritarian leader ordered the army to defend and protect western Belarus which he termed as a pearl.

READ: Belarus President Says NATO, West Are Threat To The Country

READ: Belarus Military Instructed To Protect Country's Territorial Integrity Amid Mass Protests


Published August 23rd, 2020 at 19:53 IST